Bow Legs Correction Aurangabad | Treatment for Bow Legs India | Bow Legged Correction
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Correction of Bowlegs

A Bow leg (genu varum) is a condition of legs when knees are wide apart when a person stands with the feet and ankles together. Initially, due to folded position in the uterus infants are born bowlegged. Bow legs begin to straighten when the child starts to walk. At this time there is a pressure and weight legs begin to bear. The age of the child at this period is 12.5 to 18.5 months old.
When the child is approximately 3 years old, the normal appearance of legs should be visible. This way a child should stand with the ankles together and the knees just touch to reflect normal position. If the situation with bow legs remains after this period, the child can be called bow legged.

bow legs treatment

Bow legs Causes

Bowing of legs can be caused by:

  • Blount's disease
  • Bone dysplasias (abnormal development)
  • Fractures that do not heal correctly
  • Lead or fluoride poisoning
  • Rickets, which is caused by a vitamin D deficiency

Bowlegs Correction

Bow legs correction requires wide and extensive knowledge of orthopedics. Professional approach and aftercare assure best possible results - healthier, nicely-aligned legs. Bow legs correction is a reality that changes the lives of the patients for better. Bow legs correction can be done fast (about 40 minutes for both legs), with nearly no risks, bloodless, and what's more important - you get effective results for a lifetime, - nicely aligned, healthier legs.

Bowlegs Treatment

Surgery is the only way to change the knee angle — braces, shoe inserts and physical therapy are ineffective. Since normal leg development goes from bowlegs to knock-knees, surgery should be postponed until the child is at least 10 years old.
Two bones meet at the knee joint: the femur (thighbone) and the tibia (shinbone). Surgical treatment depends upon the maturity of the child. In younger children, whose growth plates are open and still growing, knee alignment can be changed by tethering the growth plates of the femur or tibia using staples. As the growth plate grows on the untethered side, the knee will grow out of its excessive angle.
In older children, who no longer have open growth plates, treatment consists of cutting, straightening and then holding the bones of the knee in place while they heal with metal implants, including pins, plates and screws. Although both treatments have high success rates, they should be done only if clearly necessary and at the appropriate age. We at Kamalnayan also offer minimally invasive surgeries, not restricted to medical grounds but cosmetic purposes as well. Our approach to treatment of bowlegs and knock-knees includes usage of custom made Ilizarov-Veklich external device. In this treatment there is:

  • Very low possibility of bone infection (osteomyelitis) that is caused by bacteria that enters the body through a wound, as comparing to other external devices (Ilizarov i.e.) there are less puncture wounds, only 3 rods are connected to your body on each of leg.
  • There is nearly NO nerve injury possibility that can cause the patient to lose feelings in the lower leg or in extreme cases - the leg.
  • Minimally invasive surgery allows bloodless operation - that means that there are no major blood vessels injured and no blood transfusion required.
  • Minimally invasive operation does not require soft tissue cuts, a small hole or micro-wounds; as if puncture one, heal very quickly and does not leave the scars that make so many people worry about.

In case you need to get back home shortly after rehab process, you can get back to us to remove the Ilizarov-Veklich devices within 2-3 months. After the Ilizarov-Veklich device if removed, the patient is restricted from bearing heavy weight; participate in extreme sports etc for the next 2 months.

Authored By: Dr. S. V. Santpure

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